Maintain ♽ your HubSpot CRM with fresh and accurate ☑️ data forever.

Don’t treat CRM data cleaning like a one-time project. Do you clean your house just once in a blue moon? Didn’t think so! Without ongoing maintenance, your data decays in less than 6-9 months. Instead, connect Clay to your CRM for ongoing background enrichment that keeps your CRM data fresh all the time.

Why Choose Clay + CRM Refinery?

❌ One-off Data cleaning and enrichment Projects

❌ Only lasts for a few months before data decays and you're left (once again) with bad CRM data

❌ New records created by sales rep list imports, contact forms, and integrations have incomplete and incorrect data

❌ Re-enriching records with legacy tools requires loads of manual work

❌ Other "automated enrichment" products have sparse coverage and inaccurate data

❌ Contacts who've changed jobs are still inaccurately associated with their old company

❌ One-off CRM cleanup projects fall flat and data decays

❌ Nobody trusts your CRM data


✅ Always-on Data Enrichment w/CRM Refinery

✅ Frequently re-enrich records in the background with always-on Clay enrichment to keep your CRM fresh

✅ Intercept new records with Clay before entering the CRM. Prevent duplicates, filter spam, and only add fully-enriched records to your database.

✅ Clay's always-on enrichment runs automatically in the background

✅ Enrich with 100+ data proviers, web scraping, and custom AI prompts

✅ Track job movers and automatically update contacts' company associations

✅ Maintain fresh and clean CRM data with ongoing Clay enrichment